Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Class Labs

Will need this picture to play with in class on 10/20/08:

We will also need this image. Click Here



Here's your homework for this week:
  1. Find the red eye tool in PhotoShop and be prepared to demonstrate it next class
  2. Scan “how to fix and enhance photos” topic under the PhotoShop Help menu
  3. Use Help to find “Retouching Tools Gallery”
    > Go to the page on the web and bookmark it
  4. Use help to search for “Keys for selecting tools”
    > Go to the page on the web and bookmark it
  5. Complete your first draft of About ME project
  6. Print About ME project as pdf file type and upload to slideshare
  7. Notify me via a comment to the this blog entry that your file is posted. Use the following HTML code:
  8. Retouch a family photo and show me the before & after next Monday. Minimum requirement: Use Image adjustment and clone tool.
  9. Send me a note with your slideShare User name so that I can authorize you to see the lesson plans