Here's your homework for this week:
- Find the red eye tool in PhotoShop and be prepared to demonstrate it next class
- Scan “how to fix and enhance photos” topic under the PhotoShop Help menu
- Use Help to find “Retouching Tools Gallery”
> Go to the page on the web and bookmark it - Use help to search for “Keys for selecting tools”
> Go to the page on the web and bookmark it - Complete your first draft of About ME project
- Print About ME project as pdf file type and upload to slideshare
- Notify me via a comment to the this blog entry that your file is posted. Use the following HTML code:
- Retouch a family photo and show me the before & after next Monday. Minimum requirement: Use Image adjustment and clone tool.
- Send me a note with your slideShare User name so that I can authorize you to see the lesson plans