Monday, July 16, 2007

Mothers Make Natural Project Managers: Part 3

My Mom took the grandkids to Brice Canyon, Utah last week. The kids were scared to take the trail ride; they had never ridden a horse before. My Mom told them that if they’d do it, she’d do it. I've heard her say those words to me many times. Once she challenged me to a straight up 400 m race around my high school track to help me prepare for the Latin Forum. Stop laughing, I almost died.

Her challenge this week at Brice had everybody, including a 71 year old grandma, on the dusty trail in five minutes. She forced them to capture a life moment that was dangerously close to evaporating. I don’t know who was more excited, the kids or Mom, when she called me last night to tell me about her first horse ride.

Mom’s still challenging us to take risks. Or maybe she’s simply challenging herself. In either case, Leaders are willing to jump in and live life with you.

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